
PathoScreen CE Xenopus

Xenopus frogs, particularly the species Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis, have long been recognized as invaluable models in scientific research. Renowned for their unique biological characteristics and experimental versatility, Xenopus frogs have contributed significantly to a wide range of fields, from developmental biology and genetics to neurobiology and toxicology. Their accessibility, ease of manipulation, and evolutionary conservation make them powerful tools for investigating fundamental biological processes and addressing complex scientific questions.

Regular health monitoring is essential to detect and prevent diseases in Xenopus frogs. FELASA recommends implementing a health monitoring program that includes regular veterinary examinations, parasite screening, and disease surveillance to ensure the well-being of the frogs and the integrity of research results.

Our multiplex PCR "PathoScreen CE" Xenopus has been specially developed for monitoring the health status of xeopus colonies. It includes all pathogens recommended by FELASA 2022 and covers a wide range of bacteria such as mycobacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.

In addition to molecular biological examinations, we also offer microbiological and pathological examinations.

Are you looking for comprehensive health monitoring of your xenopuscolonies?


We examine all common types of samples:

  • Frog
  • Tissue, swabs
  • Environmental samples (sawbs, filter) such as biofilm
  • Food
  • Water samples

Questions about our xenopus services?

Whether information on services and products, orders or questions - our team will advise you personally.